Poll: Who will win the Women’s WTCS in 2023?

This year it is incredibly difficult to call the winner of the women’s World Triathlon Championship Series. Last season’s overall podium, Flora Duffy, Georgia Taylor-Brown and Taylor Knibb, will all be present and looking to make their mark. So, too, will double WTCS race winner Cassandre Beaugrand.

You can read our preview of the women’s favourites here.

With so much talent involved, it could come down to the finest of margins.

Let us know, then, who you think will take the crown this year. You can vote for your choice below and if your candidate isn’t listed you can mention them in the comments.

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Who will win the women's WTCS in 2023?

You can also vote for who you think will win the men’s Series here.

Check back for the results of both polls later this week.

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