Poetry in Motion at WTCS Montreal 2023

Chapter 1: Abu Dhabi

Chapter 2: Yokohama

Chapter 3: Cagliari

Chapter 4: Montreal

It is a law of space and time that light

seen from the stars that dance across the night

can sometimes be nothing more than the last

traces of dead celestials. How fast

does their light fade compared with how brightly

they once shone. The same is true of man. He

who was a star for a time will always

fade, leaving only faint hints for the gaze

of those still to follow. The question to

ask is when can one tell that their milieu

has passed. Racing upon Montreal’s slick

streets, several men lie in wait to pick

their moment, their chance, to prove that their light

still shines, that their place is still in the fight,

that their glow is not the lingering touch

of times gone by. Kristian is one such

man. The Olympic champion, he burns

to prove himself. However the wheel turns

and he now lags behind. Today, his core

rivals for the crown are absent but more

await. Young Hauser dominates the swim

whereas Kristian’s is a synonym

for what has been. Good, yet still not enough.

Others also find themselves in the tough

space that Kristian inhabits. Brownlee,

too, owns Olympic medals although he

faces the battle with age that awaits

us all. In Montreal he illustrates

his strength upon two wheels and takes his place

at the head of the field. Of course the race

has turns to come and Kristian surges

to reclaim his top spot. When he urges

his legs to give more, though, no answer comes.

On the run, as Brownlee falters, he drums

a steady beat to match Hauser but when

his young rival lifts his tempo again

he fades. A new star is born as Hauser

thunders to gold. Unable to rouse a

response, Kristian is left to ponder

what could have been. Did he really squander

his chance or was he simply beaten by

a stronger force? His loss may signify

plenty, but it is too soon to declare

his star extinct. Even today, compare

Kristian with what he once was. Speed has

never really been his forte whereas

in the long battle he excels. Chances

remain for Norway’s man to enhance his

claim for the crown and he will stoke the flames

within to pursue the Olympic Games

gold he so craves. Yet this campaign is dead

and the Olympic horizon ahead

contains a litany of new stars like

Hauser. Perhaps Kristian can still strike

back and his light emanates from a star

still alive. For now, though, the former tsar

must grimace in silence at the new truth.

The light of others shines brighter as youth

takes its place at centre stage and new stars

make Kristian’s hopes as distant as Mars.

(The full race report is available here.)

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