April Fools: Hayden Wilde to Switch Nationality to Great Britain

Note: this was an April Fools joke.

Earlier today, Hayden Wilde stunned the triathlon world with news that he will be switching his sporting nationality from New Zealand to Great Britain.

The discovery of a long lost British grandmother in the Wilde clan opened the door to the change.

After winning a home World Cup in New Zealand last weekend, he felt it was the perfect time to move on to pastures new and take on the next great challenge of his career. More specifically, he is set upon beating the French in Paris next year.

Wilde believed that his New Zealand team-mates are also capable of beating the French, however his newfound lineage prompted a change of heart. Once his switch is complete, he will rub shoulders with the likes of Georgia Taylor-Brown, Sophie Coldwell and Alex Yee.

Indeed, his close relationship with WTCS rival Yee was the other great draw to Wilde’s decision. The two have been known to Netflix and chill together; now they will get to race in the same team.

It was not an easy decision for Wilde to leave his New Zealand team-mates behind. Over the past few years he has grown into a sporting hero to his countrymen with an Olympic bronze medal preceding WTCS wins.

The time, however, was right.

Going forward, Wilde will be racing in the ITU tri-suit for the next twelve months. Once that period his elapsed, he will be able to race in a fetching British suit.

To watch Wilde’s full announcement click here.

We have reached out to members of the British and French teams for comment however the only response thus far has been, “what are you doing in my house, it is three in the morning!” (That individual also requested to stay anonymous.)

This is without question the biggest April Fools story of the year* and will no doubt cause a stir amongst the elite triathlon field.

*for those that have not twigged, this was all a joke. On 2nd April a disclaimer will be added to the top of the article so any future readers are not caught out.

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