Flora Duffy To Make First International Start Of 2023

The women’s world champion, Flora Duffy, may be about to make her much-anticipated return to elite racing.

Back in February, Duffy revealed the she had opted to skip WTCS Abu Dhabi and delay the start of her season in order to rehabilitate a knee injury from 2022.

She was then originally listed on the start lists for WTCS Yokohama but withdrew. After not entering WTCS Cagliari, Duffy revealed the full extent of her injury and put the Paris Test Event as the earliest date of a potential return .

As things stand, she is on the start list for Paris and therefore could race in August.

It should also be noted that there is plenty of time for Duffy to still withdraw depending on the progress of her knee. At this point, though, it may be easier to take the start lists at face value and assume that she will indeed race.

The big question will be what she has in store.

Having not raced since the WTCS Final in November, it would follow that she may be a little rusty and not up to speed. While her record speaks loudly enough to make her a factor at virtually any event, she will be up against athletes that have been battle-hardened by the WTCS season and that have placed a lot of emphasis on the Test Event as a target race for the year.

The thing is, Duffy does not need to win the race. As Bermuda’s top triathlete and being solidly placed inside the top-30 of the Olympic Qualification rankings, there is little to no question over Duffy actually qualifying for the Olympic Games.

Beyond getting a feel for the course, she does not need to do very much at the Test Event.

In many ways, then, Duffy racing in Paris could be a win-win situation.

If things go well, or she even wins the race, her aura of invulnerability will be further bolstered less than 12 months out from the Olympics.

On the flip side, if her race does not go so well, there will be no real question marks over her performance. Everyone knows she is coming off a lengthy injury and that she will have another full off-season to get into prime shape. As such, few will read too much into any low-key result.

Indeed, if she has a big performance at the Olympic Games, few will remember what happened at the Test Event.

Even if the result at the Test Event does not align with her expectations, the first-hand information about the course is what will matter.

The main risk to racing is that her knee could flare up again. At the same time, if that happens she can write off the rest of her season and plan for 2024.

Duffy is not in contention for the world title and even racing at the WTCS Final in Pontevedra might not be strictly necessary on the run-in to the Games.

As long her knee permits, then, there is nothing really stopping Duffy from racing in Paris. Moreover, her knee has to a degree liberated her from expectations. Once she dives into the Seine, what she does next will be anyone’s guess.

However, one thing will be sure.

With the arrival of the Test Event, Duffy’s Olympic campaign will enter a new, and likely final, phase.

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One Thought to “Flora Duffy To Make First International Start Of 2023”


    GREAT UPDATE! Thank you! I hope she is back to her old ways

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