Poetry in Motion at WTCS Yokohama 2023

Chapter 1: Abu Dhabi

Chapter 2: Yokohama

The snake never believes that he is prey.

It can be strange, how the world looks one way,

unique to eyes that have yet to see what

lurks out of sight. The snake knows no fear but

what is the natural order of things?

And so we come to our would-be four kings.

Who is the snake? Who is the terrible

eagle soaring with an unbearable

promise, ready to strike, ready to kill

the false premise that the wretched snake still

ruled from its supposed apex. What is

the natural order? Alex has his

early triumph. He has no need to join

the fray and yet fortune turns on a coin.

A new day has begun. On air crisper

than the winds of the north hangs a whisper

of hope. Alex has stayed at home and now

his rivals have their chance to step up. How

they have waited to take their shots at his

edge. Leaders are seldom safe; just ask Liz

Truss. In Japan the new battle begins

and Leo, the reigning king, starts to grin.

Eagle or snake? Which one is he? The old

king Kristian is back to now uphold

his name, yet as the first gun sounds he can

only flail as Leo plays his hand.

After Hayden’s loss in the desert he

must prove he can contend in the harsh sea

beyond the Japanese shoreline. He tries

to stay with Leo but cannot disguise

the naked truth. As they return to land

Leo is in control and leads, his plan

looks like it may yet work. But wait, look there,

Hayden has closed the gap. With early flair

he rides and charges after the Frenchman.

Leo fights back on the streets of Japan

and holds his wheel. Further afield Norway’s

finest musters his strength looking for ways

to press his claim. With more allies around,

Kristian starts to drive his legs, to pound

against a rock that his will and his will

alone could possibly shatter. His skill,

though, is somehow matched by both Hayden and

Leo. Yet with the turns of the clock hand,

his hunt succeeds; he’s there by Sarzilla.

Somehow the leaders hold. With gorilla

like strength, Leo fights on. His duel against

Hayden is entering its close. A tensed

finish begins. No men can match the two

as they ramp up the speed and ascend to

a plane that few can reach. As Kristian

fades, young pretenders new take risks in an

audacious move. Vilaca and Coninx

inhale and fight but ahead Hayden’s Sphinx

face shows no pain. He’s in control. And then

the King is forced to watch aghast for when

Leo takes his next step his strength has gone.

Amid the rains something is clearly wrong.

Young Vilaca, Coninx and more fly through

as Leo’s day is lost. Upon the blue

carpet Hayden can celebrate his day;

he can luxuriate for his display

sees him seize control of this long campaign.

In weeks to come he must defend his reign

from the return of Alex Yee and those,

like Vilaca, determined to oppose

him at every turn. Meanwhile Leo

must now regroup and reflect, for although

his hopes remain alive too much vital

ground has been conceded. While his title

remains intact he must respond or else

he risks that the scale of his challenge swells

as the dangers around multiply. Such

is the curse for those that defend as much

as he. He surely cannot be the snake.

His crown is still out there for him to take.

Yet after a performance so regal,

this day, at least, Hayden is the eagle.

(The full race report is available here.)

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