What is TriStats all about?

Welcome to TriStats!

For those of you that discovered TriStats on Instagram, you probably have a good idea of what we are trying to offer.

TriStats offers statistics, analysis and commentary on elite triathlon.

We started in 2021 ahead of the first WTCS race of the season in Yokohama. The idea was simple: to provide the specialised analysis and coverage of Olympic triathlon that we could not find elsewhere.

The more we posted the more we enjoyed it.

Our interest is in World Triathlon racing (or “short course” racing). As triathlon’s representation in the Olympic Games, we see it as the pinnacle of the sport. It is the level at which the best athletes compete, where the overwhelming majority of junior athletes enter the sport and is perhaps the most accessible format of the sport to the majority of enthusiasts.

What do we want to do?

As TriStats has grown, we have seen a small community form, one containing athletes, coaches and fans with more joining day-by-day. Our central goal at TriStats is provide the platform to help that community grow.

Olympic triathlon has some truly incredible athletes. We therefore hope to share their stories and narrate their contests to an ever-growing audience.

Our plan is not to chase every possible audience by covering every possible area of triathlon. Instead, we will give exclusive attention to short distance racing and provide coverage dedicated to that part of the sport.

Over time, we want to help assist the further growth and professionalisation of the sport through our coverage. At TriStats, we will try do our bit to help build the sport.

We are not looking to sell you anything. All we hope this that you enjoy our content.

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