How You Can Help To Secure The Future Of TriStats

Get ready for the most awkward few minutes since your parents had the “where babies come from” chat with you.

There’s no real beating around the bush when it comes to the subject of this article. We are going to (politely) ask for your support in keeping TriStats alive.

We have been running our content on Instagram for over two years, while the website itself is now over nine months old. We are one of the few places in the world to run daily news and content exclusively dedicated to short distance triathlon. With over 500 articles published in 2023 alone, we have spammed you with plenty of content, some of which we hope you liked.

TriStats has therefore grown far beyond what was originally envisioned and if it is to be sustainable it needs to generate a reliable source of income.

There are options out there. We can put the content behind a paywall and charge people to see it. Alternatively we can load the site up with ads to chase every possible penny irrespective of what it does to the user experience.

However, we have a different idea.

We will be introducing the option to support TriStats financially to keep it afloat. You can contribute on a monthly basis or as a one-off, however you prefer.

We believe that information should be free and, with that in mind, we have no intention of putting anything on the website behind a paywall. Instead, the content will remain freely available for all fans of the sport to consume.

TriStats is now a major undertaking and as a two person team with one writer we need to find a way to make it sustainable. Yes, it is a little capitalistic to make you pay for this but we also have to pay rent.

Beyond keeping the platform running, the benefits of this approach include keeping the information free as well as minimising the number of adverts displayed. It also keeps us independent as the only people we will be beholden to will be you, the readers.

Among our users we appreciate that some simply cannot afford the additional expense of supporting TriStats. There is therefore no pressure on you here. This is simply an act of faith that you would like TriStats to stick around.

Should you contribute, the amount will be a personal choice. At the end of the day, this is a space for you as much as anyone else.

For those that would like to support TriStats, then, you can do so with this link. A widget will also be available on the website with which you can contribute without leaving the site. The widget will enable you to make one-off payments however you please while a recurring option under “membership” will available using the link.

Thank you from TriStats!

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