Poetry in Motion at WTCS Cagliari 2023

Chapter 1: Abu Dhabi

Chapter 2: Yokohama

Chapter 3: Cagliari

Two men skip stones along the shore. One turns

to the other and says, “the best throw earns

the gold”. With a small nod, the friend assents

and waits as the first man, his stare intense,

gazes over the sea. He casts his stone

and as it skims over depths not yet known

he yelps with glee. “Beat that, my man,” he crows.

The second man ignores his friend. He knows

what he will do. With a slow draw, he cocks

his arm then suddenly turns and hurls rocks

at his friend’s crotch. His aim is true and strikes

the first man plumb. A howl follows, the likes

of which he had not heard before, as his

friend writhes on the sandy floor. “The game is

over,” the second man says, “we both know

who won this day.” A win from just one throw.

Upon the Sardinian beach two men

also stand together. Alex, Hayden

and more await the gun but all know who

to watch. With a win apiece from the two

battles thus far, Alex and Hayden are

in command of all attention. How far

can they skip their stones today? The horn blares,

starting the game, but Alex falls. He swears

as he gathers himself and dives into

the waves, striving to save face and pursue

Hayden. For the first time all four would-be

kings are in the fray at once. In the sea,

again, Kristian loses ground and he

is soon out-manoeuvred. The slight degree

of hope he had is lost as Leo scraps

for the lead. Alex, though, is back. Perhaps

it will be his day yet. With his comeback

complete he emerges beside Hayden

as Leo charges after his maiden

win of this new campaign. Upon the bike

the three take on the task at hand alike.

No nonsense, all business, they control all

those around them and extinguish the small

glimmer of hope Kristian still possessed.

Next comes the final stage, the final test

of Alex, Hayden and also Leo.

To what dark depths will those three hopefuls go

to out-fight, out-wit, out-last the others?

As all fall away, there are no brothers,

no friends, no allies to share in this fight.

Leo composes himself but despite

his valiant effort, he will take third.

Meanwhile the race for gold ahead has stirred

into new life as first Alex and then

Hayden take turns to attack. Yet again

Alex goes but Hayden has his measure.

Such is the pain they each inflict, pleasure

or some strange joy must drive them to withstand

this suffering. And yet neither can land

the final blow. Both still seek that perfect

skimming stone; out of a mutual respect

neither can quite resort to the low blow.

As the finish line draws near both men know

the show they have performed must end. Someone

must win. And then, at the last, after one

skip too many, Hayden’s stone finally

sinks. The stone thrown by Alex went only

the smallest bit farther, it bounced just once

more, but that was enough. Still Hayden hunts

his rival, even as he admits it

is too late. He has no option to quit,

that simply is not in his nature, but

the cheers of Alex tell all and must cut

at Hayden. He can be proud but he does

not race for that; glory is the true buzz

he craves. Both men threw everything at one

another and both still stand. When the sun

descends afterwards, and the night takes hold,

both will seek new tricks to win the next gold.

(The full race report is available here.)

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