The Fastest Women’s Legs From Bundesliga Kraichgau

Having gone through the fastest men’s legs at Bundesliga Kraichgau, here we are taking a look into the best performers in the women’s race.

Kraichgau was a display of utter dominance by the Buschhütten women’s team. Even from a cursory glance at the best legs it is not hard to see how they won by such a great margin. From the get-go, when Zsanett Bragmayer led out the swim, the team took hold of the race in a vice grip. Thereafter their quartet proceeded to log the best splits of any team.

The Top Women’s Legs

  1. Solveig Løvseth (EJOT Team TV Buschhütten) – 27:30
  2. Tanja Neubert (EJOT Team TV Buschhütten) – 27:30
  3. Zsanett Bragmayer (EJOT Team TV Buschhütten) – 28:11
  4. Annika Koch (EJOT Team TV Buschhütten) – 28:18
  5. Robin Dreyling (Dr. Loges Triathlon Team Lüneburg) – 28:20
  6. Finja Schierl (Triathlon Team DSW Darmstadt) – 28:38
  7. Celine Kaiser (Team Berlin) – 28:48
  8. Julia Bröcker (Triathlon Potsdam e.V.) – 29:05
  9. Selina Klamt (Triathlon Potsdam e.V.) – 29:06
  10. Daryna Moskalenko (SSF Bonn Triathlon Team) – 29:11
  11. Pia Wolf (Mey Post-SV Tübingen) – 29:21
  12. Jule Behrens (Triathlon Potsdam e.V.) – 29:22
  13. Lara Thekla Ungewickell (Team Berlin) – 29:33
  14. Mirjam Huber (Team Berlin) – 29:34
  15. Tabea Huys (TSV Amicitia Viernheim) – 29:37

When one team produces all four of the best legs, there is a fairly good chance that they will win the race.

Bragmayer nudged ahead of Koch in the opening pair to hand over to Neubert and Løvseth. Even though the second pair had a considerable lead, they went about extending it. Indeed only one non-Buschhütten athlete was able to get within a minute of Neubert and Løvseth.

That honour went to Robin Dreyling who had a fantastic leg. Racing in the second pair for Lüneburg, Dreyling was integral to helping the team to 4th overall. Last year Lüneburg finished 8th overall so their start in Kraichgau will have them hopeful of a big season ahead.

Dreyling also managed to balance her leg perfectly. She clocked 4:40 for the 375m swim (missing the fastest split of the day behind Pia Wolf’s and Bragmayer’s 4:39). She then rode the third best 10km after Neubert and Løvseth. Although, it should be noted that Dreyling was a minute slower than the Buschhütten pair; she rode 13:56 to Løvseth’s 12:51. She then rounded it off with a good run.

Finja Schierl and Celine Kaiser also produced major performances to help Darmstadt and Berlin towards impressive results. Kaiser’s raw time also does not tell the full story of how she overhauled the second Potsdam pair to elevate Berlin into 2nd place at the finish line. The aspect that stood out most about Kaiser’s performance was her 7:43 split over the 2.5km run. By far and away the best run of any woman in Kraichgau, it should bode well for her upcoming races.

Meanwhile the first Potsdam pair, Bröcker and Klamt, were the best opening athletes from a non-Buschhutten team. But for Kaiser’s inspired finish, Potsdam would have finished in 2nd place with relative comfort.

Daryna Moskalenko was a key performer for Bonn and her performance was a little underrated. No one else on her team dipped under 30 minutes so for her to record a 29:11 was a big boost.

In spite of Kaiser overtaking her on the run, Behrens actually had a very good race. Her swim and bike were well-executed while her run was among the best in the field. She clocked 8:09 to slot in just behind Bragmayer’s 8:06 for the third fastest run of the day. Ultimately she came up against Kaiser who was having a flyer and there was little Behrens could have done.

Kaiser’s Berlin team mates had very good races and set her up for her grandstand finish. Ungewickell was a reliable performer for the team last year and they will also be excited at the prospect of young Mirjam Huber bringing points to the team. At this point in time, they might be the team best-equipped to take on Buschhutten over the course of the season.

Tabea Huys was another youngster to impress as she rounded out the top-15 legs.

You can view the full splits here.

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