Reckmann and Krumbeck Win German Junior Tests

On the same weekend Britain’s leading Junior triathletes were put through their paces, Germany’s top young talents were likewise tested at the DTU Junior Cup in Halle (Saale). The German model mostly matched the British approach in terms of layout. An 800m swim kicked things off on the Saturday (although the German test was long course while the British test was short course). The test then concluded on the Sunday with a bike-run of 21km and 5km. The cycling component was run in a time trial format with the athletes…

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Pye and Breese Win British Junior Performance Tests

After the French Junior tests took place last month, it was the turn of Britain at the weekend. The assessments include an 800m time trial in the pool (25m) on Saturday at the University of Nottingham. The next day, the athletes took on a timed bike-run on the Sunday at Prestwold Hall Circuit. The bike section was draft-legal and started in a stagger with the fastest swimmer going first. Youth and Senior assessments also took place and the highlights will be noted in a separate article. Swims Junior men Pos…

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