Will Anyone Complete The Olympics-WTCS Double In 2024?

Winning Olympic gold and the WTCS is a phenomenally difficult task. Only two athletes (Flora Duffy and Kristian Blummenfelt, both in 2021) have managed to complete the double, although each had idiosyncrasies in their achievements that should be noted. Looking ahead to 2024, the question to be asked is will anyone from the current batch of contenders achieve the double? Alex Yee has six WTCS wins in two years and an Olympic silver medal but as yet has not won a world title. Similarly, Hayden Wilde has four WTCS wins…

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Winning the Olympic and WTCS Titles in the Same Year

Winning Olympic gold is extraordinarily difficult. More people climbed Mount Everest in 2023 alone (600 summits by 250 clients and 350 sherpas) than the number of athletes that can win an Olympic triathlon gold medal in the 21st century. When viewed in the bigger picture, the demands of timing and then producing one’s top performance on a given day in a four year cycle are brutal. Winning the WTCS is a different challenge. Rather than peaking on a single day, an athlete must be at their best across an entire…

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